Department of Treaties and International Law

  • Head: Nelli Saroyan

Legal department is a structural unit within the Staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which has 3 divisions:

  1. Division of Bilateral International Treaties
  2. Division of Multilateral International Treaties
  3. Division of International Law and National Legislation.

Among several other functions the department fulfills the following functions related to international public and private law, as well as domestic law:

  • conclusion of the international treaties (preparation of the text, conducting negotiations over it, agreeing upon the text and signing the treaty), submission for ratification and confirmation, accession to the international treaty, entry into force of the international treaty, suspension, termination and denunciation the operation of the treaty, as well as other issues related to the implementation of international treaties;
  • registration, recording and publication of international treaties,
  • expertise on decisions and other documents adopted by the bodies of international organizations to which Armenia is a Party and other documents being considered as non international treaties;
  • expertise on draft legislative acts of the Republic of Armenia being presented to the Ministry’s consideration;
  • issuing legal opinion and consultation with regard to issues related to international law.

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