International organisations

The Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) was established on June 25, 1992, in Istanbul, with the signature of the Summit Declaration by the Heads of State and Governments of eleven countries – The Republic of Albania, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Bulgaria, Georgia, the Hellenic Republic, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Turkey and Ukraine. The Republic of Serbia joined the Organization in 2004.
With the entry into force of its Charter on May 1, 1999 (for the entire text: Charter of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation), BSEC acquired an international legal identity and was transformed into a regional economic organization - the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation.
Aiming at fostering interaction and harmony among its members, as well as to ensure peace, stability and prosperity, encouraging friendly and good-neighb orly relations in the Black Sea region, today BSEC serves as a forum for cooperation in a wide range of areas for its 12 Member States.
BSEC members
Republic of Armenia
Republic of Azerbaijan
Republic of Bulgaria
Russian Federation
Republic of Turkey
Northern Macedonia
BSEC structure
The highest decision-making body of BSEC is the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the BSEC Member States. The Council’s regular meetings are convened twice a year: in May/June and in November/December. In case of need special or informal meetings of the Council are convened. The regular meetings of the Council are held in a Member State chairing the Organization. The Chairmanship-in-Office is held on the principle of rotation in alphabetical order and lasts six months starting from January 1 and July 1.
The Committee of Senior Officials of BSEC is accountable to the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and operates on behalf of the latter. The Committee is endowed with a responsibility to implement the activities of the Organization.
On March 10, 1994, the BSEC Permanent International Secretariat (PERMIS) was established in Istanbul by the decision of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs. The current Secretary General is Lazar Comanescu.
Since 1995, a consultation mechanism of "Troika", has been set in BSEC, which includes the former, present and future chairmanships-in-office.
Related Bodies / Affiliated Centers
The Parliamentary Assembly of BSEC (PABSEC), the BSEC Business Council (BC), the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) and the International Center for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS) are the organizations related to BSEC. They are independent bodies with their own statutes, though harmonized with the Charter of BSEC), separate budgets, headquarters and the agenda.
The status of an observer to the BSEC is open, upon application, to any other state or international organization that expresses its willingness to provide practical and valuable support to the work of the BSEC.
Observer status may be granted, suspended, or terminated by the Council, according to the procedure.
The observers are:
Arab Republic of Egypt
Federal Republic of Germany
State of Israel
Republic of Italy
Republic of Poland
Slovak Republic
Republic of Tunisia
International Black Sea Club
Energy Charter Secretariat
The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution
European Commission
Sectoral Dialogue Partners
Islamic Republic of Iran
Republic of Korea
Black Sea International Shipowners Association (BINSA)
Union of Road Transport Association in the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Region (BSEC-URTA)
Black Sea Region Association of Shipbuilders and Shiprepairers (BRASS)
Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN)
Black Sea Broadcasting Regulatory Authorities Forum (BRAF)
Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe (CPMR)
Danube Commission
International Network for SMEs (INSME)
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
International Organizations
United Nations (UN)
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE)
United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN/FAO)
World Bank
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Energy Charter Secretariat
Intergovernmental Commission TRACECA (IGC TRACECA)
The Central European Initiative - Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES)
Project Development Fund
In Tirana on 25 October 2002, the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs adopted a resolution establishing the Project Development Fund.
Armenian chairmanship in BSEC
The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Armenia to BSEC was established in Istanbul in August 2001. The first permanent representative was Karen Mirzoyan. Mr Nairi Petrosyan is the Head of the Mission since 2024.
In the second half of 2024, the Republic of Armenia will assume the chairmanship of the BSEC.
The priorities of BSEC
The priorities of BSEC as indicated in its Charter envisage cooperation in the following areas: trade and economic development, banking and finance, communications, energy, transport, agriculture, and agricultural industry, health and pharmaceutics, environment protection, tourism, science and technology, exchange of statistic data and economic information, cooperation between customs and border authorities, fighting organized crime, drugs, illegal import of weapons and radioactive materials, terrorism and illegal emigration, extermination of emergency consequences, small and middle business, education, institutional renewal and good governance.
The Republic of Armenia is currently coordinating the Working group on information and communication technologies and the Working group on culture, the Working group on cooperation in the field of tourism for the term of 2025-2026.
Updated on 21.06.2024