International organisations

International Organization for Migration (IOM) was established in 1951 and is the leading intergovernmental organization in the field of migration. IOM is part of the United Nations system. At IOM’s Special Council in June 2016, IOM Member States endorsed the move to join the United Nations. IOM and the UN signed the agreement.
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) currently counts 175 member states. 8 states hold observer status, as do numerous international and nongovernmental organizations. IOM has Geneva-based Headquarter. The Organization is present in more than 100 countries and has over 180 Country Offices and Sub-offices worldwide.
The Organization is guided by the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, including upholding human rights for all. The primary goal of IOM is to facilitate the orderly and humane management of international migration.
As the leading inter-governmental organization promoting humane and orderly migration, IOM plays a key role to support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through both humanitarian assistance and sustainable development.
The Republic of Armenia joined IOM as a Member State in 1993. The IOM office in Yerevan was opened the same year. IOM activities in the country are grounded on a number of official documents signed with the Government of Armenia, including the Cooperation Agreement on Privileges and Immunities (1994) and Memorandum of Understanding (2001).
The Organization's objectives in Armenia are:
- To assist Armenia in achieving border management practices that strike the right balance between control and facilitation and are consistent with best international standards.
- To reduce and prevent the trafficking and smuggling of persons.
- To enhance the self-sufficiency and integration of returnees, trafficked victims, refugees, internally displaced and low income persons.
- To assist the Government in labour migration management.
- To enhance the capacity of national NGOs to address migration issues.
- To develop rural communities.
IOM provides assistance to the dignified return of Armenian citizens to Armenia. The cooperation of Armenia with IOM is also aimed at institutional reforms which in its turn are directed to the enhanced migration governance in the country.
The Government of Armenia is faithful to its commitment to achieve the GCM Objectives (Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration). The Republic of Armenia is also in the process of applying to join the Champion Countries Initiative. In order to accelerate the progress on GCM, Armenia plans to embark on the new Migration Strategy development, which will be based on the Migration Management Conceptual Framework adopted in May 2021.
Updated on 06.03.2023